Chegg (The Ultimate Platform to Get 24/7 Homework Help)


Chegg is a California-based online learning platform. The company was formed by Osman Rashid and Aayush Phumbhra, two business people. In addition to renting, buying, and selling textbooks, the portal now also provides tutoring, scholarships, and help with assignments. Chegg is renowned nowadays for serving as a service to kids and assisting them with their homework. The platform provides a wide range of topics, including finance, computer science, algebra, and history. We’ll talk more about this in the article because some Chegg reviews allege that the services are fraudulent. Initially offering textbook rentals, Chegg is now renowned for its tutoring offerings. Both students and tutors may use the site. There are over 22,000 solutions and step-by-step explanations for any problems you may be encountering. In virtual classrooms, teachers and students can collaborate via audio and video chat as well as a virtual whiteboard. Chegg, Inc. is a Santa Clara, California-based provider of educational technologies. It offers tutoring online, textbook rentals in both digital and physical formats, homework assistance, and other student services. The business was founded in 2005, and in November 2013 it started to trade openly on the New York Stock Exchange. The business stated that Chegg Services had 2.9 million subscribers as of March 2020. Due to claims of students using Chegg services to cheat, the company’s services have generated some controversy. Chegg is a learning resource created with students in mind to enhance learning through engaging instruction. It offers top-notch study materials that make it simple to learn the ideas and guarantee that the pupils are giving their best efforts. The programme provides a course-based structure so that students can receive assistance in a more organized way. For instance, it provides distinct modules to assist students in math, english, computer science, physics, etc. Chegg gives students access to tutors who are available around-the-clock to aid them with their questions. It enables students to choose the top tutors for their particular subject areas. For a planned study, students might book tutoring sessions. This educational service prioritizes students and their questions. Chegg also provides a platform where students can rent, buy, or sell their books and make significant textbook savings in addition to all of the above.


Chegg, a disruptive provider of educational technology with headquarters in Santa Clara, California, sells textbooks, digital and physical textbook rentals, and a wide range of online student services. Online homework help, tutoring, and search engines for scholarships and internships are just a few of Chegg’s student services. Chegg’s tagline, “A Smarter Way to Student,” demonstrates the range of services they provide. In reality, a lot of college students use Chegg to finish their homework, papers, quizzes, and examinations. “We support students on their path from high school through college and into their profession with tools designed to help them understand their course content, succeed in their classes, save money on required resources, and develop the most in-demand skills,” reads the company’s mission statement. We’ll delve more into these particular offerings after looking at Chegg’s origins and progress as a business. Three Iowa State students came together and started Cheggpost in 2000, a service for Iowa State students that was comparable to Craigslist. Chegg is a combination of the words “chicken” and “egg.” The kids were upset that you couldn’t obtain a job without experience and that you couldn’t gain experience from a job, according to this New York Times report. Chegg didn’t copy Netflix until 2007, when they decided to concentrate all of their efforts on renting out textbooks to college students. Since many college students only use their textbooks during the course, this strategy worked out perfectly. Chegg expanded to the national market in 2013, went public, and kept expanding through alliances with huge publishers of college textbooks like Pearson and Ingram Content Group. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) of Purdue University, which has some of the top free college writing resources online, and Chegg just teamed. The fact that Chegg has acquired a number of businesses also contributes to the growth and development of the education technology behemoth over the past ten years. Understanding the businesses Chegg has acquired helps to better understand the current services they provide. As you can see, Chegg now offers a wider range of services, such as online coaching, scholarship and internship search engines and resources, college writing tools like reference generators, and online flashcards. With the purchase of ThinkFul, Chegg might even start offering its own stand-alone instructional tracks.

How Do You Use Chegg?

  • According to Forbes, Chegg has over 70,000 specialists working in India to respond to inquiries from students. Chegg uses cutting-edge learning technologies to assist students with a wide range of needs, including renting textbooks, writing papers, performing homework, and finding internships. There’s a good chance Chegg offers a service to satisfy any needs that kids may have.
  • E-textbook rentals are one of the specialized services they offer through their website. When renting a physical textbook, logging into your online Chegg account will allow you to print your prepaid UPS return label, place the books in a box, and drop the box off at UPS. 
  • By setting up an online student account, users can access all of Chegg’s online services. Once you have an account, you can sign up for one, several, or a package of services, like the Chegg Study Pack.
  • How does Chegg acquire information for students? Chegg “employs more than 70,000 professionals with advanced math, scientific, technology, and engineering degrees” in India, who are available round-the-clock to answer subscription questions, according to a thorough Forbes article that we’ll come to again later.

Why choose Chegg?

Chegg is a well-known platform that offers its members a number of benefits. Despite the fact that there are other educational websites available online, Chegg is a good choice for a number of reasons.

a) Constant Online Teachers

Numerous tutors that work with Chegg are available 24/7 from all around the world. Your responsibility is to type your query and submit it to the chat area. No matter what time zone you are in, you will get your answer in 20 to 30 minutes.

b) A Helpful Partner for Doing Homework

You can complete your assignments and homework efficiently on the site. In several academic subjects, you will receive applicable solutions. When you’re stuck trying to find answers for your assignment, Chegg solves your problem by providing you with the appropriate answer to strengthen your understanding of the subject.

C) Quick Reaction

The knowledgeable tutors on Chegg will provide responses with the same level of commitment. They don’t differentiate between students utilizing a free plan and a premium version, which is cool. You will receive the response in a timely manner.

d) Online courses

The addition of video lecture classes by Chegg improved its services. Many people find such an approach more enjoyable than spending time reading a whole book. Even though these lectures are brief, they provide a thorough explanation that clarifies your response and increases your desire to study.

e) 24/ 7 Expert Support

On Chegg, specialists are constantly ready to help students as needed, so they always have access to support. This is crucial since it will aid students in understanding their assignments rather than just copying and pasting answers from the platform. Students can use Chegg to improve their grasp of any difficult topics even though they may not be able to get the necessary after-school class support from their professors or peers.

f) Homework Assistance

Chegg has a sizable library of questions submitted by students, even though you might not find solutions to all of your homework there. On the platform, teachers and other specialists offer answers to students asking for help with their assignments. Students can also use the platform to validate their answers or different approaches to a given challenge. Writing code for a programming assignment is a common illustration. By utilizing some built-in classes and techniques they weren’t aware of to simplify the answer, students will be able to come up with alternative approaches to write any function. By examining other platform solutions, the students in this instance get knowledge that helps them build even cleaner code.

g) Books

Chegg’s affordable textbook rental service is one of its main selling points. The costs associated with obtaining the required study materials can be prohibitive for both students and parents due to the high cost of tertiary education. Chegg offers students a substitute by letting them rent the required books for a reasonable price. With premium textbook discounts of up to 90%, students can save a significant amount of money when compared to the alternatives

What services does Chegg provide?

Chegg provides the following services and goods:

Chegg Books: This function gives students access to an online marketplace where they can buy, sell, or rent books at reasonable prices with typical shipping costs.

Chegg Study: Chegg Study is a helpful resource for students online. It aids with study tools, textbook solutions, and Q&A. Within an hour, students who visit online tutors can obtain the answers to their queries.

There are two choices, as we just mentioned: textbook solutions and professional Q&A.

If you’re experiencing problems with a certain subject, you can use our platform’s 22,000 ISBN solutions or step-by-step explanations to search for the solution.

How to use Chegg Study:

  • Click “Try Chegg Study” on the Chegg Study website.
  • After providing your credit card details, click “Join Now.”
  • After entering your phone number, a text message containing the link to the app will be sent to you.
  • Click “Discover Textbook Solutions” and enter the book’s title or author’s name to find the answers to your problems.
  • The chapters of the textbook are listed in a menu in the left corner. Scroll to the section you require.
  • You can get a step-by-step solution by clicking on the issue.

Chegg Writing: Chegg Writing offers students a one-stop shop for assistance with their academic writing assignments. Students can get their papers checked for plagiarism and grammar for a modest monthly subscription. 

Your work will be checked for plagiarism and grammar mistakes by the Chegg Writing service. Only $9.95 is required each month. Your writing abilities and vocabulary will grow significantly with the help of this tool. Chegg Writing is cutting-edge AI software that can be used to edit text, correct grammar, check for plagiarism, and generate rapid citations. Additionally, Chegg Writing offers a professional to review your paper.

According to the Chegg website, this AI has worked diligently on:

  • Checked over 7 million tasks
  • 4+ million checks for plagiarism
  • 1.7 billion citations were produced with 15+ million grammar faults identified.
  • Grammarly is the greatest comparison if you haven’t heard of Chegg Writing; both programmes fight for subscribers.

The plagiarism detector from Chegg Writing is likely the most sophisticated one available. If Chegg discovers plagiarism in your paper, it will assist you in either eradicating it or correctly citing the relevant sources.

Actually, Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool utilized by many universities, and Chegg Writing’s plagiarism detection tool are quite comparable. Because Chegg allows students to see whether or not their work would likely be tagged by the university’s software, you guessed it—this similarity between Chegg Writing and Turnitin has also given rise to further controversy and claims of plagiarism. Whew! Chegg will respond with your review of your paper within 24 hours if you do request an expert review.

Chegg is more than sufficient for college assignments, but lacking some of Grammarly’s most amazing features, such as its tone check. It checks all the right boxes because it was created exclusively for college students. Perhaps too many boxes, say the plagiarism informants.

Chegg Prep: This function enables students to make and distribute custom flashcards. It gives pupils a place to post their flashcards. Chegg currently offers a collection of more than 500 million flashcards.

Chegg Math Solver: With the help of this online tool, students may ask questions and receive immediate assistance. In addition to the overarching approach, it provides thorough explanations with sub-steps for each issue. Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Linear Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and other topics are covered by Chegg Math Solver. This math problem solver will assist you in finding systematic solutions to your mathematical issues. Professional mathematicians will outline the steps and substeps you need to follow in order to solve the equation and comprehend the ideas. The monthly cost of the Chegg Math Solver is $9.95. A strong graphing calculator is not all that Chegg Math Solver is capable of. The Math Solver can quickly capture a picture of you and generate a math equation while demonstrating how each step was carried out.

According to Chegg, the free Math Solver provides you the answer and a straightforward explanation for up to three problems each day. Unlimited problems, thorough explanations with break-downs for each problem, and a graphic calculator are all included in the subscription version.

The Math Solver can solve practically any mathematical issue, including those that appear in:

  • Powers, roots, and linear equations in pre-algebra
  • Polynomials, quadratic equations, and quadratic expressions are all included in algebra.
  • Matrix and logarithmic functions in precalculus
  • Calculus with both generic and basic 
  • determinants, matrix operations, and eigenvalues in linear algebra
  • Even though Chegg Math Solver has had some success, it is still only a minor player when compared to the in-depth and customized solutions offered by Chegg Study.

Chegg Tutors: Chegg Tutors enables users to find online tutors for any subject at any hour of the day. For pupils of all ages, there is an online tutoring service called Chegg Tutors. Based on their profiles, students can choose their tutors. Mobile-friendly virtual classrooms are used for instruction. You must fulfill certain conditions, such as having teaching experience and being enrolled in or have graduated from a four-year university, in order to become a tutor on Chegg. 

Once you are approved, you can view students’ requests for tutoring. You can interact with pupils by using a useful collection of tools. In essence, you may run a class using a text window, a virtual whiteboard, and a video chat application. 

Use a whiteboard, for instance, to display the issue (draw it on the board). Asking kids for their opinions can help you come up with a solution. Give them video guidance to assist them in resolving the issue. 

The significance of the Chegg Tutors honor code is mentioned in certain reviews of Chegg tutoring. As a tutor, you are not permitted to assist your pupils during online exams. This code violation will result in profile deactivation (you won’t be permitted to work). 

According to this honor code, cheating and plagiarism are absolutely illegal for instructors. Additionally, pupils are unable to use the platform to cheat on tests.

 In the event that the student’s educational institutions get in touch, Chegg is authorized to disclose all the information. The code is available on the official website.

Chegg tutoring specifications

You must complete the qualifications and submit an online application to work as a tutor for Chegg. The following are required:

  • A scanned copy of your transcripts, an ID card photo, and your diploma
  • A photo of you with your ID, such as your passport or license
  • To ace the test of proficiency (in some cases)
  • The ability to use a computer, a reliable internet connection, a microphone, and a camera
  • A PayPal profile
  • A quick introduction movie (this is optional)

Chegg Tutors claims that it takes them around a week to process your application. (However, occasionally it requires more time.) When requests from students are accepted, you can log into your account and approve them.

The average Chegg tutor earns $20 per hour. The hourly rate may be in the $20–22 range. An average annual salary of $44,170 is possible. The minimum working time is five minutes, and your remuneration is based on how many hours you put in each week.

This indicates that if you work for at least five minutes each day, you will always make at least $1.67. Every Thursday morning, payments will arrive in your PayPal account.

Chegg Solution: 

Chegg provides a number of solutions to the issues that students frequently encounter. You can pick between expert Q&A and textbook solutions. What is the difference?

You can use step-by-step instructions and video tutorials if you opt to use the textbook solutions. To see a potential solution to your problem, you must input the ISBN (from your textbook) into the search tab.

The Q&A option, on the other hand, will put you in touch with a subject-matter specialist who will respond to your query in less than 30 minutes. You must upload a photo (or screenshot) of your assignment to Chegg in order to receive this answer.

Chegg Buyback

Chegg used to purchase secondhand textbooks from students, but it now contracts GoTextbooks to handle this task. You sign in using your account, and from there you can access GoTextbooks.

Simply input the ISBN and send the book. They’ll pay you within 15 days after inspecting the book’s condition in one of various ways (gift card, Chegg credit system). As an alternative, you can give away inexpensive books.

Chegg and GoTextbooks have different standards for buying and selling books. While you can highlight the books you rent, the site is particularly picky about the quality of old books, and it may send highlighted books back to you at your expense when you sell them.

Additionally, while some Chegg sell books reviews criticized the company for its slow buyback service, others complimented it for its quick communication and lack of terrible customer care. Chegg no longer offers this choice, though. Now, it only offers books (both hard copies and digital copies) for rent or purchase, along with other educational supplies.

You can also use a different website like BookScouter, Amazon, or TextbookRush to sell used textbooks.

Chegg Homework

In addition to textbook solutions and professional Q&A, Chegg offers tutoring services for assignments. Send Chegg a picture of your homework and they’ll get you some aid.

The database can be used to compare or identify comparable homework problems and solutions. You may also find a lot of video walkthroughs (tutorials) online.

The homework assistance enables you to:

  • Look up the answer to your homework question in a big library area. You can find detailed solutions to numerous textbook problems.
  • Enlist the aid of subject-matter experts. They’re accessible all the time. Send Chegg a picture (or a scan) of your assignment. You’ll receive a thorough response in 30 minutes.
  • You can view instructional videos if you like to see things visually.

Chegg Ebook

  • You must first download the Chegg eReader software in order to read your ebooks, after which you can buy them. There are eTextbooks accessible for some textbooks. 
  • A digital copy of a physical textbook is known as an eTextbook. On connected devices, you can access the eTextbook. Text can be highlighted and searched as well. 
  • There is a 14-day return period and monthly rental fees that begin at $6.99. Although they require a separate purchase, eTextbooks are slightly less expensive than conventional textbooks. Renting an eTextbook for 120 or 150 days is an option. You could also buy them.

Where to buy:

  • You must log into your Chegg account and select “Books” to make a purchase.
  • To purchase a book, scroll down to it and click on it (you must go through the entire process again if you wish to purchase other books).
  • The “Extend” or “Purchase” buttons are available. You will be taken to another page as a result.
  • Choose “Purchase” from the list of options under “Select Here” (next to the book title).
  • Select “Checkout” to finish the transaction, then go through the remaining stages.

Chegg Is AReputable Website or Not?

  • In terms of being a trustworthy, publicly traded American firm with tested resources, Chegg is a legitimate website. Chegg is less than legitimate in that you wouldn’t want any professor to know that you use it, and even if you personally don’t use it to cheat, the vast majority of professors and colleges will still view it as cheating.
  • Depending on how you define “legit,” the response could be either a resounding “yes” or “a resounding “no.” On the one hand, Chegg won’t ever steal your credit card details and sell them on the dark web. They have a high level of accountability because they are a sizable public firm with headquarters in California.
  • Chegg has a keen interest in maintaining their great standing among college students so that their products and customer service stay of the highest caliber.
  • Despite this, some critics contend that Chegg’s subscription services are actually unlawful in many American states. We’ll discuss this further below. It is also apparent that a significant portion of Chegg users cheat.

How to Rent Textbooks? 

It is more affordable to rent textbooks while purchasing course materials. Chegg makes it simple to rent books. Use the pre-paid return shipping label to send the book back once your rental is over.

You will be charged an extension fee (25% of the original rental cost), which provides you an additional 10 days to return your book, if it isn’t returned before the due date. It will be subject to a purchase fee if you don’t return it by that extended deadline. Or you can always extend the renting period if you need more time.

Rentals often arrive in decent condition with some wear and tear. Chegg does not recommend writing in rentals, but text can be highlighted there. Some books are also available for purchase, both new and old, in addition to renting them.

You may see the due date when you choose a book to rent. Before they must be returned, textbooks have almost three months. The book’s list price and Chegg discount are also displayed.

Keep in mind that textbook rentals are typically second-hand books without access codes, CDs, DVDs, or lab manuals. You’ll need to buy a new textbook if you want.

How to save some money on Cheggs?

You can use the following cost-cutting advice to profit from Chegg while saving money.

Benefit from the 4-Week Free Trial.

When you purchase, rent, or borrow books or eTextbooks from Chegg Books, you are eligible for this 4-week free trial of Chegg Study. When you buy, rent, or use an eTextbook from Chegg Books, you get a free 4-week trial.

Make use of the 90% Off Book Deal

When you rent books through its website, you’ll also get a 90% discount in addition to the free trial. Additionally, the book has a 21-day “risk-free returns” policy that allows you to return it if you decide it is not helpful for your chosen course of study.

Get Free Shipping if You Spend $50 on Books.

Shipping is free when you purchase books totaling $50 or more. To take advantage of this fantastic savings, you might choose to order all the books you require in one shipment. Therefore, before making a purchase, you must determine which books are required for your course.

Market Your Used Books

After you have finished the course, you can make money by selling your used textbooks. To get a free quote, just enter the ISBN of the textbook. Send the books for free, and when GoTextbooks receives them, you will be paid. This is a good approach to pay your way through school unless you intend to save the books for future use as references.

Use cost-free online tutoring.

The free trial of the Chegg Study comes with a complimentary 30-minute online tutoring session. You can get homework assistance from online specialists. Before speaking with a tutor, be prepared with your questions to make the most of this chance.

Use Chegg’s offers and discounts.

There are several Chegg specials and offers. You might want to benefit from Chegg’s discounts and free services. Check out this page to see all of Chegg’s promotions.

Discover Free Internships at Chegg

From Chegg’s Internship, you can locate a no-cost, suitable internship. All you need to do is choose the area in which you want to specialize before finding the appropriate internship programme. Be careful when selecting your course to avoid wasting time by switching it up in the midst of the semester.

Make use of the Chegg free resources

You have access to many free Chegg resources; make good use of them. You must be aware of how each resource functions and make use of it when required. Free AP study materials from Chegg are available for a variety of subjects, including AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and more. On the Chegg website, you may make your own free study flashcards or use free flashcards from a variety of themes. You might want to lend these cards to other students as they are great teaching resources.

Free Chegg Writing 3-day Trial

Taking advantage of Chegg Writing’s free 3-day trial could also help you save money. You can use this tool to verify your written replies or reports for plagiarism and grammar mistakes.

Obtain Financial Aid

You may be able to attend school for free if your grades are strong and you work hard to acquire a scholarship. The more than 25,000 Chegg Scholarships available to deserving students could be searched for scholarships in your area of study. Explore the scholarships that fit your needs and preferences patiently. Yes, you would discover one in your area of study.

Cons Of Chegg

1. Prices

Although the platform’s subscription plans are reasonably priced, students in tertiary education who may not have a reliable source of income might not be able to afford a monthly subscription.

2. Wrong Answer

While most of the answers given by Chegg tutors are accurate, some of these independent teachers might not have a particular area of expertise. This implies that a few of the instructors’ responses might be incorrect. Furthermore, some instructors and teaching assistants use incorrect or significantly modified answers to flag students who have copied answers from these sources.

3. Ethics Issues

The Chegg platform is a great tool for students, but some of them abuse it, which raises ethical questions for both professors and students. Due to this, some professors and students have begun to question the moral character of all students using the platform.

4. School Regulations

Some educational institutions forbid the usage of Chegg because some students abuse the service. Students who manage to access the platform on the school network are punished. Access to the platform is restricted on the school network. Even while these schools could have stringent policies against utilizing such platforms, it is important to remember that they cannot monitor students who use them unless they access them through the school’s network. Additionally, despite not informing schools about student activity on the site, Chegg is able to help schools in the event that a student has seriously violated academic integrity because of the company’s honor code.

Does Chegg Not Notify Your School?

  • Chegg has a rigorous policy regarding privacy, and they do not divulge information about students who have used their service or visited a certain website. However, Chegg might be permitted to provide college with student information as part of a formal investigation into academic dishonesty.
  • Therefore, Chegg isn’t sending thousands of emails to institutions accusing kids of cheating. However, it’s extremely likely that Chegg would reveal some information to a college or university if a student is already the subject of suspicion or an investigation.
  • It helps to examine Chegg’s interests when pondering this query. On the one hand, by informing institutions about cheating students, they would be shooting themselves in the foot as a company. This would cause their entire company to fail, leaving them with nothing but the rental of textbooks (which bring in much lower revenue).
  • Chegg doesn’t want to actively oppose governments or academic institutions, either, as these organizations also have the ability to seriously damage Chegg if they so want. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if Chegg assists colleges in their investigations when cases of severe cheating are involved.
  • It’s also unclear how Chegg would react if a professor contacted them to inquire about whether or not their pupils had registered for Chegg. There’s a good likelihood that Chegg would reveal that information, particularly if the professor merely wants to certify that a few students are utilizing the service.
  • According to several professors, Chegg provided them with information like IP addresses, which demonstrates compliance and good faith but still makes it very challenging for professors to take action on the material.
  • Although it is irritating to lack more concrete information on how and when Chegg would respond to inquiries from universities, as a general rule, one may assume that they would work with colleges to identify any students who were perhaps engaging in academic dishonesty. A last point to make is that students who specifically submit inquiries run the risk of Chegg disclosing their login or IP address as well as the question or solution they requested.
  • Again, we lack concrete evidence in either direction, but that is our best assessment of the circumstances.

Is Chegg Illegal?

  • According to Research, Chegg is prohibited in 17 states. According to these state regulations, businesses are prohibited from profiting from the distribution of college essays if they have “reasonable knowledge” that the users will submit them for academic credit.
  • Before continuing, we should clarify that we are not attorneys and that this is merely an intriguing theoretical query rather than legal advice.
  • Despite Research’s convincing argument that Chegg Study ought to be prohibited in some places, we are unaware of any legal actions taken by either states or educational institutions against Chegg. Chegg would appear to have a decent chance of succeeding in their legal defense in a lawsuit as well.
  • Although the wording of the state statutes differs, Chegg does not have actual information that any particular user is using Chegg Study to commit fraud, and Chegg appears to cooperate to a considerable extent with university misconduct investigations (and even provides some assistance to individual professors).
  • States might be able to show that Chegg is aware that some users are using it to cheat, but Chegg may offer an almost limitless number of services that some students are abusing. 
  • Whether or not Chegg Study services are prohibited in specific states, Chegg is still able to conduct business as usual across the entire country.

Can Chegg accounts be deleted?

  • Your Chegg account may be deleted, of course. You must return all leased textbooks (physical or digital) and terminate all active subscriptions before you can remove your account.
  • Following that, you can request the whole deletion of your user account data by following the guidelines provided by Chegg.
  • Some students want their Chegg accounts to be completely deleted due to Chegg’s reputation with professors. This is unlikely to have any bearing on a possible academic inquiry or the data Chegg might provide to a university.
  • Others, of course, may have only used Chegg to rent textbooks and desire to have their accounts deleted.


Yes, there are many websites offering online question answering services other than just Chegg. Course Hero, Crazy for Study, SolutionInn, StudentShare, Transtutors, and Quizlet are some of Chegg’s rivals.

Each of these Chegg rivals has a distinctive take on online answer services, with varying variations in offers and cost.

Crazy Tutor

Crazy for Study, a Delaware-based company, primarily provides homework assistance and textbook solutions. According to Crazy for Study, who claims to have provided solutions to millions of textbook problems, the textbook solutions include “step-by-step textbook solutions by our PhD experts.” Crazy for Study exhorts students to “Get the greatest assignment support from our PhD experts” when seeking their assistance with assignments. To satisfy the demands of your professor, our experts tailor the responses. 24 hours a day, get plagiarism-free assignment help.


You can employ online instructors through SolutionInn as an alternative to Chegg for homework assistance. These are their three main services:

  • Live tutor sessions with expert 
  • Q&A for textbook solutions
  • Although Chegg’s services are directly competitive with SolutionInn’s in terms of textbook solutions and professional question and answer services, live tutoring sessions set the company apart.

Course Hero 

One of Chegg’s most well-known rivals, Course Hero, provides on-demand homework assistance and textbook solutions. Make every study hour count with Course Hero’s “Make every study hour count” campaign, which features 60 million study materials organized into respective courses. Course Hero emphasizes the complexity of their textbook solutions and explanations, just like the majority of Chegg’s rivals. Additionally, Course Hero provides 24/7 online homework assistance with responses as quick as 15 minutes. Chegg’s free plan is less comprehensive than Course Hero’s, but both companies have a comparable premium membership model.


StudentShare is more specialized and dubious than some of Chegg’s other rivals, some of whom resemble Chegg almost exactly. For as little as 23 cents per day, StudentShare enables students to download materials “for inspiration.” To locate a paper on the topic, students can conduct a topical search. StudentShare will have someone “remove plagiarism from the essay” for as little as $9.78 per page. It seems as though a person will use the downloaded paper and rewrite it. It does, as we said, sound somewhat shady. Alternatively, you can pay as little as $13.60 per page to have an essay written from scratch. StudentShare isn’t a direct rival to Chegg because of its significantly different services.


Transtutors offers online tutoring as well as a question and answer service, but it doesn’t appear that they have entered the field of textbook solutions. The motto of Transtutors is “Get Answers. Get Unstuck. Faster study. You can find a lot of questions already answered on Transtutors thanks to its library of over four million questions and answers covering ten different areas. Their live tutoring service, which is available round-the-clock, is comparable to SolutionInn, and their question and answer part is a direct rival to Chegg.


Another Chegg rival, Quizlet, offers textbook solutions for a wide range of courses. They provide dependable step-by-step solutions to all of these textbook difficulties using data from thousands of textbooks in their database. You can search for your textbook on Quizlet or browse by subject. Once you locate the query you seek, you can gradually expose the explanation of the response to allow you to progress through the issue. Another aspect of Quizlet’s service that customers like is their sophisticated database and flashcard technology.


Can you trust Chegg?

Yes. Students who wish to buy textbooks at the lowest prices can trust Chegg. For those who desire to tutor, it is also legitimate.

Does a Chegg membership make sense?

Yes, it is worthwhile to join Chegg. Study aids, tutoring, and practice exams are accessible after subscribing.

If you use Chegg, can the professor find out?

Most lecturers will be able to determine if you used Chegg to find your answers. They are able to determine this by contrasting and identifying the similarities between what you have and what is publicly available. If a plagiarism check is performed, it will match if you choose the incorrect response.

Is using Chegg unethical ?

Utilizing Chegg is not unethical. Renting textbooks is a terrific approach for students to get the materials they need to pass their classes. However, utilizing Chegg to answer questions on an exam is cheating.

Is it secure to purchase books from Chegg?

Yes, purchasing textbooks from Chegg is secure. Finding the appropriate textbook for you is crucial because they are a vital component of college.

Does a Chegg subscription make sense?

Chegg’s online study resources include tools that support academic success. Answers to questions must be unblurred after paying a monthly subscription fee. However, subscribing for the subscription might not be worthwhile if you only infrequently need answers to inquiries.

What is the price of Chegg?

After reviewing the tutorials, if you determine that getting a subscription would be more convenient, you can do so. Chegg provides two subscription packages to aid with student learning. The price for study materials, homework assistance, and other services begins at $15.95 per month. The Study Pack, which costs $19.95 a month and includes a plagiarism checker and practice exams, is another option.

Which is superior, Chegg or Course Hero?

Although it can be challenging to make a distinction, both essential websites provide the necessary resources to complete assignments and pass tests. For instance, both websites will provide tutoring services to help you with challenging ideas. According to our evaluation, Chegg offers the best value, and Course Hero may offer the finest delivery.

Chegg allows for anonymous use.

Chegg’s website has mechanisms that it can use to track its users, so you cannot use it anonymously. Chegg receives your names and school information when you register. Additionally, Chegg is able to identify the IP address of the computer that accessed its website. Only upon request from your institution, who may be looking into a problem, can Chegg track you.


Chegg is a fantastic study tool for students that can be used to support personalized learning at a low cost. Chegg is a service worth subscribing for because of the enormous savings on study materials it offers. To put it another way, using Chegg is somewhat akin to paying for a private tutor to visit your home and assist you with concepts and homework. With Chegg, the resources that are accessible to students to help them with their studies serve as the teacher. The majority of the answers provided on the platform have some level of explanation to aid students in understanding any given concept.