Shopify [The Leading Platform to Start & Grow Your Ecommerce Business]


One of the most well-known e-commerce platforms worldwide, Shopify has over 2 million merchants selling in more than 170 nations. Learn more about Shopify’s advantages, disadvantages, cost, and how it stacks up against other top e-commerce platforms by reading on. Shopify is a leading eCommerce platform that is well-liked by startups and small businesses. Themes, templates, applications, and SEO services offered by Shopify make it simpler to set up an online business rapidly. Use a single platform to manage your customers, inventory, orders, and billing. Learn why more than 100,000 businesses trust the Shopify eCommerce platform by reading Shopify reviews. Shopify is an online and offline eCommerce platform for creating a website that includes your online store. Because it is sold as a subscription service, there is no need to put together various web development elements such as a domain name, a third-party theme, and hosting. The vast majority of the tools required to run an online store are included in your Shopify subscription. Overall, Shopify is a website builder that specializes in online stores. When we mention online stores, we mean businesses that accept payments through a shopping cart, similar to how you would make a purchase on Amazon. Shopify also provides payment processing capabilities for in-person businesses, allowing you to set up a POS system to accept payments at your physical retail store. The requirement for a system like Shopify is determined by your online goals. Do you intend to start a blog? Then there’s probably no immediate need for an internet store. Again, Shopify may function with minor tweaks, but that is not its intended purpose. Shopify is ideal for folks who have a product or know where to find one and want to sell it online. We’re talking about electronics, furniture, and jewelry, as well as digital items like eBooks and music tracks. Given that Shopify offers the best solution for selling and processing payments, all of those businesses operate successfully on it.


One of the most well-liked SaaS platforms available is Shopify, which makes it simple for users to create online stores. In more than 175 countries, it powers over 4.1 million eCommerce websites. You must use all of the platform’s features in order to achieve the best outcomes given the level of competition. Shopify actually provides a number of built-in features, many of which are not even known to most users. There are a number of alternatives that Shopify supports, all of which may be used to dramatically increase your sales, from integrating Facebook to utilizing Shopify POS. All customers can instantly construct an online store using this platform, which offers a plethora of premium features including product introduction, shopping cart, payment, product management, social networking, and many more. The ability to set these things up quickly is one of Shopify’s key advantages. Thanks to its user-friendly interface, attractive themes, and excellent support, anyone, regardless of technical aptitude or programming skills, may quickly establish a comprehensive sales website. Shopify launched Shopify Plus in 2014 to address a wider range of demands, including those of wholesalers, after initially focusing on newcomers and small-scale retailers. All of Shopify’s fantastic features are carried over to Shopify Plus. It was intended to address a need for eCommerce software for large-scale companies with sophisticated operations. Additionally, Shopify Plus is seen as the cherry on top for enterprise-level businesses because it may provide them with a powerful platform to streamline their operations. Since Shopify is entirely hosted in the cloud, you can access it from any connected, suitable device, and we’ll take care of all software and server maintenance for you. It was intended to address a need for eCommerce software for large-scale companies with sophisticated operations. A commerce company needs a variety of tools to handle its products, inventories, payments, and delivery on any given day, and it spends a lot of effort and money fusing the many systems and data together. Shopify promises that you may rapidly access and integrate any extra business tools you might need to make Shopify work for your company by combining such technologies.

How does Shopify work?

To learn Shopify, just follow these 7 simple steps. Shopify’s main goal is to swiftly and simply get you started with an online business. You can name your business, add products, and collect payments without hiring a web designer or investing a lot of time in it. That is the appeal of Shopify. The capabilities are all available to you and offer useful step-by-step instructions to make sure you don’t miss any vital aspects. Below, we’ll walk you through every stage of the Shopify process, from signing up to establishing your website and making your first sale.

Step 1:

Make a Shopify account first.

  • The first stage doesn’t take long, but it’s important to tell Shopify the right information and advise them of your new business. This will allow Shopify to modify your user interface and enhance your experience going forward.
  • Go to Shopify’s homepage first. You must click the Start Free Trial button. Here, you’re asked to enter your email address. Before providing your payment card information, you can test out the user experience with all Shopify plans’ Try Shopify free for 3 days, no credit card required. On
  •  the following screen, you must enter your email address, password, and shop name. Make a strong password and use any email address you want to be associated with the company to protect your login information from thieves. Since the store name may change later and be added to your temporary domain name, you might want to enter it as close to the actual store name as possible.
  • Select the Create Store button to continue. The next actions are optional, however, they will aid Shopify in determining your intended business model and how to set up your store. Information like what you want to sell and if you need to transfer from another site are among the things it asks for. In general, this is done so Shopify can help you switch from another platform and provide the best user interface.
  • Following your desired completion of the form, click the Next button. To make sure you get paid, you must have the Address page. For legal reasons, both the customer and the payment processor must know where your business is located. 
  • Include all pertinent information, such as your name and address. Remember to provide your phone number as well. You can also choose if the company is registered. Click the Enter My Store button to complete the first registration process.

Step 2:

Make use of the dashboard to start creating your Shopify website.

  • You are currently looking at the Shopify dashboard. The left side menu, which has a slick and modern appearance, contains the majority of the features you’ll need. The menu options include Orders, Products, Customers, and Analytics, among others. You can click on any of these components to customize your store and start marketing.
  • The free trial includes the majority of Shopify’s features. However, you won’t be able to receive payments or let users access your website without a password unless you select a payment plan. We advise trying out the design components and finalizing the majority of your site’s structure before making a purchase.
  • The Select a Plan button is always accessible when you’re ready to launch. Thankfully, Shopify offers a dashboard-based interactive, step-by-step setup guide. The following are the essential steps to setting up a Shopify store, even though you can deviate from the path and choose your own launch strategy.
  • Add domain setup costs: There are other additional features to set up. Many of them are optional, like launching marketing campaigns or adding extra sales channels, but there’s a good chance you’ll want to consider those to enhance the functionality and boost the volume of sales from your e-commerce website. Click the Add Product button to start creating your first product and adding it to your store.

Step 3:

In step three, customize the Shopify theme.

  • Future imports or manual product additions to your business are both options. You can change the look and feel of the website to better represent your company, add a logo, and rearrange the components on the homepage. Select Customize Theme when you are back in the Home section of the dashboard.

Change the theme

On the Theme page, Shopify has already installed a default theme. You have the option to test out the Debut theme to see whether it works for your business. However, we advise perusing the numerous free and premium themes given in the Shopify Theme Library; you might find a theme that even better suits your business there.

Debut theme

Further down the page are links to the Theme Store. It is located in the Theme Library section. Click to browse free themes or go to the theme store. Theme Store additionally provides premium themes, some of which cost between $50 and $150. The free Shopify themes are adequate for smaller stores, but the premium collections start to offer more advanced features and better aesthetics.

Free themes

To determine which theme is ideal for your shop, browse the available options. It’s a good idea to research the theme specifics in case one of them somewhat better suits your business and industry. Keep in mind that most themes have two or three different styles.

Simple theme,

For instance, viewing the Simple theme reveals that it has three different styles: Light, Toy, and Beauty. The Toy and Beauty styles appear considerably different from the Light style.

A theme that has been added to the Theme Library will appear in the dashboard but not on your website once you have chosen the suitable style and clicked the Add To Theme Library button. By selecting the Actions icon next to the newly installed theme when the theme installation is complete, choose the Publish option.

In a short amount of time, Shopify changes the outdated theme. The dashboard will then show an example of the new theme after that.

Step 4:

In step four, use Shopify Customizer.

  • The Shopify Customizer offers a visual preview of the website in addition to a drag-and-drop module on the left side to rearrange the pieces of the site.
  • It performs an excellent job of providing the required options for each component and presenting a real-time view of the changes on the right side, despite not being a full drag-and-drop website builder.
  • The Header, Sidebar, and Slideshow sections in this theme are among the built-in default sections found in every theme. By clicking on any section, the complete settings panel can be accessed. For instance, the Slideshow and Sidebar sections’ settings differ from the Header section.

Step 5: 

In step five, add a Shopify domain.

  • By using your domain name as the address, customers can access your store online. You might already own or have in mind a domain name. You can transfer a current domain or buy a new one from the Shopify dashboard. This is particularly helpful because, in contrast to custom, Shopify does not require you to go to a third-party domain registration website in order to purchase a domain.
  • Go back to Home and click the Add Domain tab. Therefore, select Complete Account Setup to proceed. This describes how to identify yourself, link your bank account, and obtain approval for your request to use Shopify to accept payments.
  • You can also link to hundreds of third-party payment processors if you find that another alternative has lower pricing or Shopify Payments doesn’t support your location.
  • Additionally, we suggest you consider other payment options like PayPal and Amazon Pay. You can enable several payment options to give your customers more freedom in selecting how to pay you. When you already have your PayPal account saved on your phone, for instance, using PayPal makes more sense than constantly looking for your credit card.

Step 6

Check out Your Online Store and Additional Features

  • Remember that you must decide on a pricing plan and publish the store for it to be regarded as active.
  • In the interim, explore the numerous additional menu choices to discover what else you may provide for your shop. You may set up automated purchase receipts for your customers and manage email and social media marketing campaigns from the dashboard.
  • Located under the marketing and other categories. Click the eye symbol next to the Online Store Sales Channel at any time to access the e-commerce store. From the same dashboard, you can integrate Apps, create discounts, and manage your orders.
  • The provided URL will open your website in its most recent version. That can be your temporary Shopify URL or a domain you created.
  • Browse the website to ensure that everything appears fantastic and that the links are working properly.
  • Investigate your offerings to find out what the consumer encounters while making a purchase from the shop. To access the shopping cart area, click the Add To Cart or Buy It Now button.
  • By clicking the Checkout button, users are directed to the page where they may enter their payment information.


That is all there is to it! Just remember that a Shopify e-commerce store won’t be usable until a payment option has been decided upon, a domain name has been enabled, and the site has been published to the domain.


Integrated Security

You are constrained to installing additional plugins for site security using a self-hosted e-commerce platform, such as two-factor authentication and SSL encryption (required for an e-commerce store). On the other hand, Shopify includes all the required security elements in your subscription. In this approach, the majority of the security measures operate in the background with no involvement from you.

Using Shopify: 

  • It is required by law to have an SSL certificate, but many self-hosted platforms require you to provide your own. 
  • You receive an SSL certificate pre-installed for encrypting and securing all transactional information that passes through your site. By enabling two-factor authentication, you can stop brute-force login attempts. 
  • Before releasing their work, every app developer must pass security and quality audits. You get Level 1 PCI Compliance and secure hosting.

It is extraordinarily simple to use.

You don’t need to be an expert programmer to use Shopify. With a few mouse clicks, you can quickly construct everything you need for your online store. There are also in-depth beginning guidelines available to assist first-time online store establishments. It is an easy yet extremely thorough process. Having an online presence for your company is a terrific way to boost sales, but it could be difficult for those who are less tech-savvy. Shopify takes care of the fact that not all of us were born in the current technological era. Shopify helps you take care of the technological requirements for the store. It also features a very straightforward UI that is simple to use. Additionally, it manages transaction processing time effectively.

There Are Many Payment Processors

How to make consumer payments simple and quick is one of the main issues with establishing a website for your business. Shopify includes built-in payment options including PayPal, Apple Pay, and Additionally, you may accept payments using credit cards thanks to Shopify’s integration of over 100 different payment processors, which enables you to accept payments in numerous currencies. This makes it simpler, particularly if you wish to expand your firm internationally.

Superior site performance

If you have to wait a long time when shopping for any kind of product, whether in person or online, it can be annoying. While it may entail standing in line for hours, it may also indicate that a website loads extremely slowly. If your website loads slowly, visitors will leave, which means you could lose out on sales. Compared to other websites, Shopify-powered websites load more quickly. Amazon estimates that a one-second delay could cost them $1.6 billion in lost sales yearly.

It features numerous excellent store designs.

Shopify users won’t have to worry as much about their store design seeming similar to another business because there are roughly 200 themes to select from. The majority of their designs are mobile-friendly due to their responsiveness. If you’d like, you can alter several of the themes or come up with your own design.There are more than 70 ready-to-install themes available, so you can find one that matches your style. Although not entirely adjustable, these templates do allow for some customization, which will help you create your store more quickly and efficiently while maintaining the integrity of your brand.

It provides versatility.

You can start with a simple and easy template if you wish to. Their app marketplace allows you to add additional features to your store. If you are familiar with programming, you have full access to it and the ability to create new features using the API.


Users of Shopify can customize the size and scope of their store to suit their needs. It is a platform that will expand along with your store. If users would rather concentrate on their main customers, they can also decide to keep their stores smaller. When you utilize Shopify, you always have complete control.


Even while Shopify’s solution may be comprehensive on its own, some online stores require additional functionality to address particular issues. To address these difficulties, Shopify has created several apps under its brand and also makes third-party apps available through its App Store. eCommerce stores can add new features without spending time on development by downloading one of these apps.

Multilingual capability

Communicating with your consumers in their native tongue will have a good effect on sales and the relationship between customers and your business if your target audience is dispersed over numerous locales. You can sell in several languages using the three primary subscription tiers. As the times change, it keeps updating. When using Shopify, you won’t have to be concerned about redoing your investment in an e-commerce solution. To ensure that best practices are consistently followed, it is constantly updated. Due to this, it is currently among the top e-commerce options available to both individuals and small business owners.

It is free to try for 14 days.

As a result, you can decide if it’s the appropriate choice for you without having to invest anything at first.

A complete inventory tracking system is in place.

Shopify will keep tabs on every item you have on hand. To receive automatic inventory notifications, use the platform’s settings. If you have an iPad, you can now make offline purchases in addition to offline inventories.

Includes server, hosting and updates

The volume of traffic you receive once your online store begins will change. With Shopify, this isn’t an issue because they handle it, so even if your store has a lot of traffic, it won’t crash. Additionally, upgrades to your Shopify store will be made immediately, unlike updates for other eCommerce platforms like Adobe Commerce or PrestaShop, which require download and installation. Setting up sales taxes is simple. All of the US tax rates are automatically set by Shopify. Additionally, it enables the setting of individual tax rates. You can include VAT charges for countries that have them right on your product page.

What Drawbacks Does Shopify Have?

The platform isn’t entirely within your control.

You might lose your web presence if Shopify decides to stop operating one day. This is due to the fact that Shopify, rather than your own internal hosting company, is hosting your store. There isn’t the same 100% guarantee as if you operated a store from your own platform, even if it’s highly uncommon to occur. Your store data will be lost, but you’ll maintain your website.

No email hosting

All of Shopify’s plans include web hosting, but email hosting is not a feature that is available. This basically means that you cannot use the email address [email protected] to correspond with customers. Forwarding of emails is still an option. Because of this, all emails sent to [email protected] will instead be delivered to your personal Gmail or Yahoo account. Even so, a connection to a third-party email hosting service must be set up in order to use this feature.

You must create your own multilingual store from scratch.

Shopify’s stores are created with a single language interface in mind. If necessary, you can construct a multilingual store, but to do so, you’ll need to use one of the many Shopify templates or apps. There are no established methods to offer linguistic assistance in this way.

There is still a learning curve.

Although using Shopify is relatively simple to use, there is definitely a learning curve. Particularly in the beginning when the learning process is at its most tough, some users may decide that utilising this platform is too difficult for them and choose not to use it.

More technical knowledge is required if you wish to customize your store. However, there are occasions when you simply have to dive right into the technical details of Shopify UAE development or contract with a Shopify Dubai development business. They put the suggested improvements into practice swiftly and effectively. More technical knowledge is required if you wish to customize your store. However, there are occasions when you simply have to dive right into the technical details of Shopify UAE development or contract with a Shopify Dubai development business. They put the suggested improvements into practice swiftly and effectively.

Limited Options for Customization

It is advisable to keep in mind that not all of the platform’s features and capabilities can be modified, even in cases where they can. Yes, you can alter the Shopify theme or use it as a starting point for a brand-new project. By installing a third-party application to add functionality, or by creating and running your own modules from scratch. However, it won’t be done if we’re talking about how to change the platform’s source code or how to customize the features of any third-party applications.

Unchangeable exit plan

The ability to move your store to another platform is restricted by Shopify’s lock-in feature, which is present in every hosted eCommerce solution including Volusion and BigCommerce. Shopify won’t make it simple for you to go on if you have to shut down your eCommerce site for whatever reason. The only thing you can take with you is a CSV report with your product details. Therefore, if you are planning In the long run, you should think about Shopify’s many advantages rather than your exit strategy

Possibly Expensive

Although Shopify offers a lot of free features, there is a cost if you want a fully functional website. Plans start at $29 and can cost as much as $299. If you factor in the membership fees you have to pay to use particular apps, this number may go even higher. You have to spend a particular amount of money if you reside in a location that needs a third-party gateway. The possible range for this is 05% to 2% for every transaction. This could add up to a lot if your business is relatively tiny.

The pros and cons of Shopify reveal that it is a fairly easy platform to use when opening an online business. One package contains all you require. If you carefully analyze the possible drawbacks before starting and make use of the free trial, you’ll be able to decide if Shopify is the correct choice for you.

Shopify Features

Millions of people worldwide utilize Shopify, which offers an all-inclusive ECommerce solution. The reasons for its enormous popularity are as follows:

Security and Dependability: Secure Payment Gateways and SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certifications to encrypt data are used to guarantee the secure hosting of your website.

Integrations with numerous third-party services are also possible, enhancing users’ workflow, sales, and marketing.

Email marketing, analytics, and reporting capabilities are just a few of the marketing tools that can be accessed through the Shopify App store. With a thorough examination of your customers’ actions, you can maximize your Return on Investment (ROI).

Shopify templates: These include beautifully rendered and thoughtfully created themes and templates. Product filters, live search, and drop-down menus are features that make it simple to modify and user-friendly for your website.

Has All the Features You Need to Run an E-commerce Website

With the help of the Shopify platform, you have the ability to host your online store and register a domain. Shopify makes it simple to set up your online store without having to worry about a third-party application thanks to features like product management and bookkeeping. The Shopify platform is a great option for managing an eCommerce business because it offers abandoned cart recovery, infinite product support, marketing, apps, themes, and much more.

Provides countless flexible apps

For almost anything, Shopify has an app. The Shopify App Store contains all the tools you need, whether you require a countdown timer, an image backdrop remover, or an app to include chatbots, social media, and other features onto your website. The store offers more than 1,000 plug-ins, many of which are free.

Cart Abandonment Notifications

To help you make up for some of those missed purchases, Shopify features an integrated abandoned cart notification service. Customers who have abandoned things in their basket will receive an email message from this feature, which will serve as a reminder and an opportunity for them to finish their purchase. You can manually or automatically review each abandoned cart and send an email to the customer. A customized email about a customer’s abandoned cart is another option. In the Shopify admin, go to Settings > Notifications > Cart Abandonment to enable this function.

Customer support is offered round the clock, every day of the week. It offers an excellent customer support system. Customer support for Shopify is available by phone, email, or web chat. Additionally helpful are the numerous Community Forums and documentation in the Shopify Help Centre.

Tools for SEO Marketing

Shopify offers a variety of tools to aid in SEO optimization. Shopify provides automated tools to assist you with content, meta tags, and keywords. These Shopify SEO tools automatically create robots.txt, sitemap.xml, and canonical tags, post material on social media, and optimize it for improved performance on search engines.

Fantastic Themes

For your store, Shopify offers a huge selection of both free and premium themes. Over 70 excellent and varied e-commerce templates, some of which are free, may be found in Shopify’s Theme Store. To meet your branding requirements, these themes can be modified or created from scratch. Additionally, the templates work with a range of product categories, including apparel, art, and electronics. These themes can be modified without using HTML or CSS. Additionally, you may add your logos, alter the font and color scheme, and design a unique homepage layout with banners and slideshows.

Friendly to Dropshippers

Users can start dropshipping their products very easily with Shopify. It enables you to create an online store using a drop shipper, who manages your inventory and ships the goods. You may locate items to sell, track down suppliers, put up your website, and begin promoting your shop.

Tools for Payment Built-In

For your customers, Shopify offers a wide variety of payment alternatives. You can choose any third-party provider or use Shopify Payments with credit cards. Along with this, Shopify also accepts a large number of additional payment options, including PayPal, Amazon Pay, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and cryptocurrency.

Integration of social media

You can sell your goods everywhere using Shopify, including online, on social media, on other marketplaces, in physical stores, and in pop-up stores. Reaching your target demographic on Facebook and Instagram is simple to do.

Utilization of Custom Domain Names

You can use your domain and administrative panel with Shopify. You can purchase a domain through Shopify or another source if you don’t already have one.

What is Dropshipping on Shopify?

  • Dropshipping is supported by Shopify, like the majority of its rivals. For small firms with limited resources, time, and warehouse space, this is advantageous. But what is the purpose of Shopify dropshipping
  • Perhaps you should inquire. A tried-and-true online business strategy that doesn’t require you to have any stock is dropshipping. Instead, the store owner sends the supplier the customer’s orders, who completes the fulfillment process by shipping the goods directly.
  • Dropshipping with Shopify turns out to be a more practical and economical selling strategy. You can avoid the costs of shipping and keeping a lot of inventory if you transfer your customers’ sales to the supplier. 
  • You do get to mark up the pricing at your store, after all. Since they are not pre-installed, you will need to install your preferred dropshipping application. To work with, there are numerous Shopify dropshipping apps.

What is the Shopify POS System?

  • Your in-store and online sales are centrally synchronized by the Shopify POS. The hardware and software from Shopify are integrated to let the vendor take payments using credit cards at incredibly low fees.

With the Shopify POS, you can:

  • Utilize external card terminals to divide payments, accept credit and debit cards, sell gift cards, and accept partial payments.
  • Smoothen the checkout process: Vendors can design unique receipts, provide discounts, and scan barcodes with a smartphone.
  • Automate the management of the store. You may track your employees’ performance, create several admin accounts, have a breakdown of the daily sales, check the order history, and interface with accounting applications like Quickbooks and Xero.
  • Prepare your product information. Users can work with its barcode support system and create product collections, and variants, track inventory, get product reports (high-selling/quantity), and access product reports.
  • You may manage all jobs dynamically thanks to its backend. All users of Shopify have access to specialized, round-the-clock assistance.

You also get to make data-backed decisions since Shopify POS gathers together all reports from both your physical shop and online store. The auto-generated inventory projections can be used to the fullest extent by users to manage their stock levels and prevent overselling.

What are Shopify Payments?

  • Instantaneous payment acceptance is possible with Shopify Payments. It avoids the time-consuming procedure of installing third-party payment gateways. You only need to turn it on to start processing customer payment transactions because it is already installed.
  • When you choose Shopify Payments over other third-party payment systems, you also get discounts. This credit card offers to improve as you move up to more expensive plans, as you can see from the price.
  • Given that it implements all security measures, it provides a seamless checkout experience. Shopify Payments makes use of PCI-compliant servers that may encrypt critical client data to provide secure checkout.
  • The seller can organize all actions into a single dashboard using Shopify Payments for simple tracking. You can easily label all paid orders as paid as soon as your Shopify site goes live and receive automated reporting. You can find out everything there is to know about Shopify Payments in our review.


Shopify pricing works like this;

  • The basic plan costs $29/mo.
  • Shopify plan costs $79/mo.
  • The advanced plan costs $299/mo.
  • Shopify Plus plan costs $2,000/mo.



An open-source software (plugin) called WooCommerce allows WordPress blogs and websites to be converted into online stores. You may customize your store to your heart’s content using code. WooCommerce is free to install, and the extensions are frequently cheap, so you may increase your store’s functionality for little money. Without any technical knowledge, you can find it difficult to build the kind of highly personalized web store you want using WooCommerce. WooCommerce’s core plugin is free to use, but add-on features are not.


For those who just want to add e-commerce capabilities to an existing website, Ecwid is perfect. It quickly connects to your current website to provide extra sales and e-commerce features. Starting over is not necessary. Adding e-commerce capabilities to your website doesn’t require any programming experience. As soon as your Ecwid store is set up, you can start selling not only through your website but also through your social media accounts and other marketplaces like Amazon. From the Ecwid dashboard, users can also create, manage, and track advertising.


Pixpa is an all-in-one website builder that is simple to use and was created with the needs of creative professionals and small businesses in mind. Pixpa distinguishes itself from competing website builders with a focus on ease of use, adaptability, and robust editing options. All the tools needed to run your online business are included in its fully-featured eCommerce shop builder, including the ability to handle products and inventory as well as discounts, taxes, shipping, abandoned carts, and simple order processing. Photographers and other creatives can sell prints or digital copies of their work on their websites thanks to e-commerce galleries. Integration with WHCC photo labs allows for the automatic fulfilment of print orders. Client galleries make it simple for customers to see, review, buy, and download photographs while enabling photographers to switch to a digital process. Pixpa offers 24/7 rapid and responsive customer service through live chat and email. A thorough help section with lessons and guidelines is also available.


Since 1997, Shift4Shop has offered e-commerce software with a strong SEO component. The monthly use of Shift4Shop’s e-commerce platform is free. There are more than 100 online payment options, including processors from other countries. Shift4 may also offer you credit card processing prices that are far lower than Shopify’s because they specialize in payment processing. If you’re an SEO nerd who relies significantly on organic search, Shift4Shop might be a better fit for you than Shopify. In addition to many other features, all of the plans include domain registration, safe web hosting, a built-in blog, API Access, a shopping cart, and more than 50 mobile-friendly themes.


A configurable store builder called Sellfy is available for businesses that offer physical, digital, or subscription goods. Sellfy is one of the top Shopify choices for selling digital products, featuring an intuitive user interface and a variety of integrations. Users have the option of creating a store on Sellfy or incorporating Sellfy into an already-existing website. Amazing features offered by Sellfy include the opportunity to use custom domains, third-party connectors, store customization, and options for sales analytics.


A shopping cart solution for small to mid-sized businesses with a strong marketing focus, PinnacleCart was developed in 2003. You have the option of managing your website yourself or having PinnacleCart host it. You’ll either have to pay more as your traffic increases or upgrade to a more expensive plan with infinite capacity. Unlike Shopify, which has a huge selection of themes, PinnacleCart only offers twelve of them. Features like Product Filters, Split Shipping, Blog Options, and Over 30 Payment Options are available with the Advanced and Enterprise Accounts.


Since it was developed to help huge, quickly expanding organizations realize their full potential, BigCommerce has been one of Shopify’s main rivals. BigCommerce has more built-in capability than any other e-commerce platform, so you won’t need as many apps as you would with Shopify. There are more than 55 payment options available, and there are no additional processing costs. Support is provided around-the-clock, seven days a week, and 85% of issues are handled on the first call. BigCommerce has superior multi-channel selling and SEO features, but some users could find it less intuitive than Shopify.


Is Shopify suitable for new businesses and beginners?

Yes, the account creation wizard for Shopify walks you through each step so you can start selling right away. You may even locate things to sell through Shopify dropship suppliers and its Handshake wholesale marketplace. The online shop builder is incredibly user-friendly.

Can I use Shopify to sell my own products?

Yes, you may use Shopify’s Handshake marketplace to sell your handmade goods at wholesale pricing to other Shopify sellers while also selling them directly to clients.

What does Shopify actually do?

Shopify unifies all sales, customer, product, and business data on a single platform and enables merchants to sell wherever they choose. Many vendors use Shopify to create an online store, which they later expand with additional sales channels like Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, a physical store, or in-person mobile transactions. However, you can decide to only concentrate on social media sales, use online stores like Amazon and Walmart in addition to pop-up shops, or any combination of these.

How good is the customer support?

The two options that Shopify offers for customer help have received positive evaluations. The Shopify Lite, or free, subscription offers live chat and email support around-the-clock. Shopify offers live chat, email, and phone assistance to those who are subscribed to one of its subscription plans.

What distinguishes working with Shopify over hiring a web developer?

The popularity of websites fluctuates constantly, so what is popular today might not be in the future. In order to ensure that your website maintains its position as the leader, Shopify makes sure to keep on top of all changes by frequently releasing new apps and improving functionality. It shouldn’t cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars to update your website every two years. With Shopify, you have complete authority.

Can you design a Shopify store that is multilingual?

Yes! If you know how to code, you can use one of the Shopify themes with built-in multilingual support to translate the content of your store yourself. However, the quickest way to put up a multilingual Shopify site is to use an app like Langify or Weglot Translate.

What nations can I use Shopify in?

We have retailers at Shopify in 175 nations. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States are among the countries where Shopify is available and where Shopify Payments are accepted. Except for Puerto Rico, US territories do not allow usage of Shopify Payments.

What products can I sell on Shopify?

On Shopify, you may sell a variety of goods and services, including physical goods, digital goods (such as ebooks or email templates), memberships (such as subscription boxes or online yoga studio subscriptions), ticketed experiences, classes, and lessons, among other things. To be sure that what you intend to sell is permitted where you reside, please take a moment to read our official terms of service.


Shopify is an all-in-one commerce platform, not just a piece of software or a single item. More than that, it’s a rich ecosystem that benefits business owners by bringing together developers, industry professionals, and customers with the common goal of improving commerce for all. Shopify also increases access to entrepreneurship for those looking for independence by doing this. Shopify is designed for you, whether you’re a tenacious upstart trying to find your footing or a historical brand reaching customers around the globe. It’s no surprise that Shopify is the top-rated ECommerce Platform in the world given how quick and simple it is to create your own Store. Your consumers can now purchase any product they want from your website because you have our Home Page and Products Page available. You learned about Shopify and its key features in this article. A thorough instruction manual on how to set up your Shopify Shop was afterward given to you. Setting up your online store using Shopify is really simple. However, tracking and evaluating customer data, particularly when your customer base is huge, becomes a difficult chore. Here, Hevo helps you save time and streamline the procedure.